Who We Are

Our Vision


We are a Christ-centered community providing a home and micro-enterprise work opportunity to the formerly homeless at Gospel Village.


We cultivate community among our friends on the streets and assist them through providing housing and dignified income opportunities.


Outreach, Permanent Supportive Housing and Micro-Enterprise. Empowering the Lakeland community in service to people experiencing homelessness.

Core Values.

Shared beliefs that drive Gospel, Inc.’s culture and priorities and provide a framework in which decisions are made. This vision is supported by core values centered on our belief that Christ has called us to the outcast to draw them into participatory Christian community where they can flourish: 

  1. Relationship with God

    It is God who transforms people, and a relationship with Him is paramount to their growth and development.

  2. Community Support

    Everything we do is about human-to-human and heart-to-heart connection. We were designed to live in community with one another and God.

  3. Dignified Work

    All of us should contribute what gifts we have to our community.

  4. Place of Permanence

    God desires for all of us to put down roots and to settle in a safe, stable, and secure place in order to grow and flourish.


  • To share the love of Christ with the homeless and declare the Gospel as the transformative power to change people’s lives.

  • To foster authentic community with the homeless and to invite and inspire others who are not homeless to participate in Christ’s call to serve the poor. 

  • To provide work through micro-enterprise so that everyone in our Gospel, Inc. community has the dignity of caring for themselves financially.

  • To provide permanent supportive housing where previously homeless individuals can put down roots and flourish together in community with others. 

  • To encourage supporters to give their best, dignifying the homeless we work with.